IQ Option – binary options broker review for beginners and experienced traders
Perhaps the most useful and most convenient binary options broker for the novice trader is the IQ Option platform. The broker is owned by Alta Vista Trading Limited, which, like most brokers, has been registered in Cyprus since 2013. However, the main office of the corporation is located in London. The most popular platform IQ Option acquired in 2013 due to its scanty minimum deposit, free demo account, and high transaction income.
The broker IQ Option is the leader among all brokers in terms of minimum deposit. The minimum deposit is only $ 10, while a standard deposit with a broker usually reaches $ 250. IQ Option has created the best conditions for a beginner.
Profit from the transaction and the amount of the transaction
The yield on the transaction can reach 91%, which is very much and not profitable for the broker, but profitable for the trader. This is also an obvious advantage of the broker. The minimum transaction amount is only $ 1, which also cannot but please the trader. A return on investment of up to 60% is also possible in case of a failed transaction.
The principles of the broker The IQ Option
The IQ Option official website provides a free demo account that opens in a couple of clicks. The IQ Option broker allows you to open buy transactions:
- stock indices;
- commodities;
- currency pair;
- shares.
The minimum investment per transaction is one dollar. The company offers two types of contracts: binary and turbo. The difference between these tools is that the first allows you to create orders by setting the expiration time in increments of 5 minutes, and the second – in 15 minutes. The payout percentage for an option depends on several parameters. Sometimes this figure reaches 85%.
In addition to these options, the IQ Option provides the opportunity to trade OTC social contracts during the weekend, when all exchanges close. Trading, in this case, is carried out using quotes that the broker takes from interbank transactions. Because of this, the price does not leave the limits of a certain channel.

Other benefits
The platform is intuitive for any beginner. It is very convenient to trade. What can be noted is the graph of the price of an asset – you can clearly see the change in the price of an asset, which is very useful for a beginner to understand binary options. The most optimal strategy for this broker will be a trend trading strategy for 60 seconds. You can also note the “Training and Strategies” section, where useful information is located, and free daily tournaments with a prize pool of up to $ 250.
The broker’s terminal works equally well both on the basis of full-sized PCs and on any mobile gadgets. The basis of the terminal interface is dynamic charts that show how the price of traded assets is developing online.
It must be said that the trading terminal chart system in IQ Option has some significant differences from similar platforms of other brokers. In particular, this is the presence of a whole range of auxiliary tools, for example, reducing or enlarging the scale of an individual graphic part, plotting curves and lines, and much more.
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